• Longyao County Xiangyuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd.!

Hot key words:Brake drum   Hub   Brake pads

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Why brake discs shouldn't be Ignored:

Why brake discs shouldn't be Ignored: Ignition system maintenance, then the safety of the brake system is to pay more attention to, this may not need the author reminded, but for the maintenance of the brake system, many people in the maintenance only pay attention to replace the shoe, but often ignore the replacement of the brake disc. In fact, the consequences of the brake plate of excessive wear is very serious, is not the brake shoe damage to the danger of small, first of all, because the surface roughness is reduced, making the actual contact area is smaller, causing insufficient braking force, in simple terms, is makes the vehicle's braking distance greatly lengthen, braking distance extension to the vehicle can't safe braking when crisis occurs, endanger the safety of driving personnel's life and property.
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