• Longyao County Xiangyuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd.!

Hot key words:Brake drum   Hub   Brake pads

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E-mail:lyxyqp@aliyun.com ADDRESS:No. 12, A3, gucheng industrial park, longyao county, xingtai city, hebei province.


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Why does the car have a 'hissing' brake noise?

This situation may be due to brake pads. Some car owners, seeing that the brake pads of a car are of competitive level, think that they will be better than ordinary civil brake pads. The working temperature of competitive brake pads is relatively high, and the normal braking can only be achieved to a certain working temperature. Therefore, it is not suitable for civil use. Ordinary civil brake pads can maintain normal braking performance as long as the normal temperature is the normal working temperature. There is also the case of excessive wear of the brake disc, the surface of the brake disc appears uneven concavity, which may be caused by the brake disc hidden foreign matter or the material of the brake disc, and long-term cleaning maintenance. Owners should pay attention to cleaning brake pads and brake discs, reduce foreign matter into the brake system, and replace qualified brake pads.  
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