• Longyao County Xiangyuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd.!

Hot key words:Brake drum   Hub  ; Brake pads

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The danger of frequent braking

The danger of frequent braking
In normal driving, you should pay attention not to brake frequently.
Related parts in addition to the braking system itself, the product inspection maintenance, the driver's driving habits to the influence of the brake system is also very big, such as in the scenic mountain roads didn't put the row is not frequent brake down, this will make the brake pads (drum), fever and loss of braking functions, should be hung low slide block, using traction engine auxiliary brakes. At the same time, it should be kept in mind that you cannot stall and glide. Without the vacuum power of the engine, the brake system is equivalent to "disability".
Brake system inspection and maintenance, not only to pay attention to the work of the brake system itself, such as brake pad and brake oil performance stability, but also to pay attention to the driving habits of our drivers, which has an important impact on the quality of the brake system.
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