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How much do you know about brake pad maintenance?

How much do you know about brake pad maintenance? Presumably the daily rhythm of friends is faster, every day is in a hurry, but when driving to the far auto parts remind you: must not be busy, remember to be careful! What is the very important point of the car, that is the brake system, so in order to our safety, to often maintain the brake system, today and we discuss the next brake pad maintenance problem. Brake pad self - check tips As we all know, brake pads belong to consumables, in use will gradually wear, when wear to the limit position, must be replaced, otherwise will reduce the effect of braking, and even cause safety accidents ah. Most cars use the front disc and rear drum brake structure, in general, the front brake shoe wear relatively fast, the use time of the rear brake brake is relatively long, in the daily maintenance should focus on the following aspects: 1. Wear detection Under normal circumstances, every 5000 kilometers of the car needs to check the brake shoes, not only to check the remaining thickness, but also to check the brake pads wear status, the degree of wear on both sides is the same, return is free and so on, the discovery of abnormal conditions must be dealt with immediately drop. Brake brake pad is generally composed of iron lining plate and friction material two parts, ten million can not wait for friction material quickly wear out before replacing shoes. Part of the car with the brake shoe alarm function, once reached the wear limit, the instrument will alarm prompt to replace the shoe. Reached the limit of the use of brake pads must be replaced, even if it can be used for a period of time, will greatly reduce the effect of braking, affecting driving safety drop. 2. Four-wheel positioning The vehicle in different road surface, different corners of the wheel force, speed, etc. Are not consistent, braking force will also be different, which will lead to the brake pad wear deviation. In the car appears to run off the track and other problems is, to do four-wheel positioning to the vehicle in time, so as to avoid tire damage, resulting in excessive wear of the brake pad on one side of the car. 3. Pay attention to the sound of brake pads If the friends in the normal brake heard the sound of grinding iron, that brake pad has been grinding to the brake disc, must replace the brake pad drop, and to carefully check the damage to the brake disc. 4. Brake pad selection Brake pads need to be replaced, friends to replace brake pads must choose good quality brake pads. Try to choose the original parts, of course, the quality of the original parts is certainly no problem, but the price is also expensive. If in the repair shop to replace brake pads, need to be very careful, because some manufacturers in order to save costs, the steel back will not set the alarm line, friction materials are worn out, there will not be alarm, this is quite dangerous. So, in the price allows scope, still well-known brand is more reliable, the service life of the brake pad that replaces commonly is much longer also. 5. Matters needing attention after replacement After friends change brake pad, must step on a few feet to brake, to eliminate the gap between the shoe and brake disc, so as not to cause the first foot did not brake and accident. In addition, brake brake pad replacement, need to close 200 km or so to achieve good braking effect, so just replaced brake pad must be careful driving! Here to far auto parts I wish you all a safe trip every time!  
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