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What are car brake pads?

Construction of brake pads The brake pad looks like a thin rubber block, but this rubber block has a lot of knowledge. Brake pads generally consist of steel plates under pressure, insulation (which prevents heat transfer to the piston), and friction blocks. The steel plate is mainly coated to prevent rust. Thermal insulation is easy to understand. It is composed of materials that do not transfer heat. The purpose is insulation. The friction block is composed of friction materials and adhesives. When braking, it is squeezed on the brake disc or brake drum to generate friction, so as to achieve the purpose of decelerating the brake of the vehicle. Need to remind the owner is: replace the brake pad to use as far as possible with the old brake pad has the same material, of course, if you can do the new brake pad material than the original material higher level is better. And try not to use NAO material to replace semi-metal brake pads. However, NAO material can replace asbestos brake pads.

Brake pad friction coefficient

If you want to improve the braking effect of your car, in addition to knowing the brake pads of different materials, you should also understand the friction coefficient of the brake pads. Because the most important performance indicators of brake pads are it, and more levels are divided. For example, EF, FF, etc., how to distinguish which is good? The first letter is the low temperature friction coefficient, and the second one is the high temperature friction coefficient. If the friction coefficient obtained in the low temperature environment is between 0.35 and 0.45, then the low temperature grade of the brake pad is F. If the friction coefficient obtained in the high temperature environment is also between 0.35 and 0.45, then the high temperature grade of the brake pad is also F, so the brake pad is FF grade.

How often should the brake pads be replaced?

New car brake pads can normal use for a few years, but for such a question no standard answer, because each person's driving habits can't be exactly the same, some people drive more reckless, sharp slowdown will lead to the brake pads wear more often, and some people drive action is gentle, and in the process of driving a judgment in advance, At this time the frequency of use of brake pads is relatively low. Therefore, it is generally recommended that the brake pads be replaced once between 40,000 and 60,000 kilometers, but because the brake pads of each car are different, there will be some differences. If there is abnormal noise (hiss) in the brake, and the sound is getting denser and denser, it is recommended to check the brake pad. At this time, it may be that the brake pad is almost worn out. Here, we should pay attention to the distinction between the hiss caused by the dust entering the disc. Secondly, you can replace the brake pad in advance by checking the thickness. Generally speaking, the thickness of the new brake pad is about 15mm, and the maximum wear limit is about one third. That is to say, if the brake pad is worn to only about 5mm, it is ready to replace at any time.
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