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Cause analysis and introduction of hot brake drum of trailer

In the normal running process of the trailer, the temperature of the brake drum will rise to a certain extent. But when the temperature of the brake drum is very high, and even the brake drum has the phenomenon of burning red, it indicates that the brake drum of the main car or trailer has a fault.
Generally speaking, there are two main reasons why the trailer brake drum is hot in the process of driving. namely
1) Hot brake drum caused by mechanical failure;
2) the brake drum is hot caused by the failure of the brake (air path) system.
Caused by mechanical failure caused by the brake drum hot, generally only individual brake drum hot phenomenon; The brake drum hot caused by the brake (air) system failure, usually is more than one or all of the brake drum hot phenomenon. Therefore, we can analyze the phenomenon of the brake drum hot, so as to find out the cause of the hot fault.
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